Master Class
May 29, 2019
The Living Theatre member Tom Walker and Leah Bachar will join a renowned theatre festival in Valladolid, Spain, "Festival Internacional de Teatro y Artes de Calle de Valladolid" to conduct a master class, on May 20th, from 4pm to 8pm.
In this class, they will go through Living Theatre techniques from its canon, such as "Mysteries and Smaller Pieces", "Paradise now" and the streets works in the 70s. This class will be enriched with the experience of the two professors in the world of theatre, and will be completed with physical actions.
El Festival Internacional de Teatro y Artes de Calle de Valladolid
March 21 - 23
AL LÍMITE tiene como objetivo alterar y despertar los espacios liminales de la vida cotidiana.
En el transcurso de tres días (del 21 al 23 de marzo), la ciudad de Tijuana se llenará de presentaciones, acontecimientos, talleres y rituales específicos del sitio que surgirán en las calles y espacios no tradicionales para enfrentar los límites de los sistemas de la opresión solía dividirnos y distraernos del poder de la conexión humana. Estamos en el límite. Festival Al Límite está alojado en The Living Theatre y Nett Nett espacio de arte en colaboración con artistas locales y la comunidad en Tijuana.
Todos los eventos son gratuitos, cualquier donación es apreciada y va directamente a los artistas. Nadie será rechazado debido a fondos insuficientes.
70th Year of The Living Theatre
January 8, 9 & 15, 16, 2016 at 8PM
We will begin our 70th year in collaboration with Baba Israel. Baba's festival at BRIC is a celebration of his father, Steve Ben Israel, longtime Living Theatre core member and New York City performance icon.
More so, it is a month long community performance piece/meeting place/gallery featuring original Living Theatre memorabilia and ephemera. We will perform in the gallery before the closing night performance of Baba's piece, The Spinning Wheel.
$15 Adv/$18 Door
Protest for the Homeless Rights -- CANCELLED
3pm, November 15th, 2015 , 5th Avenue and E. 79th Street
The Living Theatre will join the protest against those who are empowered and have commodified the city, particularly Bloomberg and Donald Trump, to fight for the right to have affordable housing for everyone in New York City.
The Living Theatre at the Bread and Puppet Theater's Geezer Festival
August 21st - 23rd, 2015
The Living Theatre will bring its latest production, "No Place to Hide" to the world famous Bread and Puppet Theater.
Friday, August 21, 4pm: Bread & Puppet memorial for Judith Malina
Friday, August 21, 7:30pm: The Living Theatre presents No Place To Hide
Sunday, August 23, 4pm: The Living Theatre and Bread & Puppet Circus perform together
The Living Theatre at Tompkins Campout
7:30pm, August 9th, 2015
The Living Theatre will perform No Place to Hide at the Tompkins Square Park Campout this Sunday, August 9th at 7:30pm. Also following the performance will be an open mic check to memorialize Judith Malina.
The Campout continues at Tompkins Square Park as scheduled. Although the NYPD "sniper tower" has been removed, the odious anti-homeless person atmosphere drummed up by the NY Post continues to heap derision and disrespect on homeless people. These people, these citizens and human beings that the NY Post has the arrogant nerve to slander and slur as "bums," are just trying to make a life. We live in a city where billionaires are allowed to park and hide their illegally gotten gains by buying no show real es...tate built at the expense of the people. The reason the rent is "too damn high" is because the real "bums" like Trump, his SIL Jared Kushner, and their bought and paid for political protectors like Shelly Silver have been allowed to run over our backs with cleats. We'll just be somebody's political football to be kicked around if the residents and homeless don't unify. The compassion of New Yorker's who signed on for this protest is without equal and we want to give you, the people, an opportunity to decide the future of our campout. Bring food, water, noisemakers and whatever it takes to stay warm on the cold nights to come.
Open to Public
Living Collage: The Living Theatre 1947-2015
12pm-6pm, through July 31st, 2015
Boo-Hooray and Gavin Brown’s enterprise are pleased to present an exhibition of posters, photographs and ephemera from the Living Theatre archive, staged as a living collage by Spencer Sweeney, Lizzi Bougatsos, and Johan Kugelberg. Beautiful printed works will be collaged on the walls of Gavin Brown’s Grand Street gallery, celebrating and communicating the amazing journey of arguably the defining post-war experimental theatre group in America.
Memorial for Judith Malina
7pm, October 4th, 2015
La Mama ETC
Anne Waldman
Olympia Dukakis
Richard Schechner
Gordon Rogoff
Garrick Beck
and Special Guests
Music coordinated by Baba Israel
A special performance by The Living Theatre Ensemble
RSVP required
Plague at PolitiKos 2015 Festival
7pm, November 7th
The Living Theatre will join this year's New York Political Theatre Festival, politiKos, presented by the Horse Trade Theater Group.
The Living Theatre at Ideas City Festival
May 30th, 2015 at 12pm, 2:30pm, & 5pm
The Living Theatre ensemble will take over the Bowery with this new radical and interactive piece written by Judith Malina, Cofounder of the legendary experimental performance troupe. Performers will begin by hiding among the crowd and nearby structures, slowly emerging into the streets and interacting with spectators and potential participants.
Know Your Rites: A National Tour
August 16th - September 4th, 2016
As the US becomes increasingly disillusioned and mired in the election process, with thousands of votes swallowed in the system, with government power based on hate, war mongering and corporate influence, mass murders prompted by bigotry and fear, a flood of refugees from countries the US has destabilized through war, we choose this time to travel through the middle of America to offer another story.
We seek a reawakening of one’s rights and rites. We will travel to large metropolises as well as small towns to present:
- Performance of Seven Meditations on Political Sado-Masochism
- Readings
- Street Performances
- Workshops
Venus & Mars: A European Tour
November 22nd - December 16th, 2016
With you, we are stronger.
To respond to the current global state for the refugees, The Living Theatre will be on tour again to England, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Norway, and Greece to volunteer, to learn, to conduct workshops, and to create street performances on the refugee issues with the local artists, citizens, and immigrants.
London, England | November 22 - 26
Paris; Avignon, France | November 27 - 29
Berlin, Germany | November 30 - December 2
Vienna, Austria | December 2 - 4
Bologna, Italy | December 5
Oslo, Norway | December 6 - 10
Athen, Greece | December 11 - 16
Electric Awakening Premiered in São Paulo, Brazil
October 28 - November 9, 2017
The company introduces a brand new piece, Electric Awakening , which investigates how we can awaken the dormant powers within to dismantle the systems of corruption and death that enslave us.
Electric Awakening is a treatise of the body’s revolt. Our memories and identities are written across our flesh so we return to the body to wipe the slate clean and start over; forge new systems and new relationships with one another.
A Day in the Life of NEW YORK CITY
July 28 & 29, 12pm - 5pm
In this workshop, participants will be learning basic Living Theatre techniques, such as the chord, sound and movement, and newly developed exercises as in the latest production “Electric Awakening.” Participants, along learning the techniques and practicing the exercises, will discuss collectively the subjects pertinent to the current sociopolitical state. Throughout the workshop, participants will create a performance with the Living Theatre members for public presentation at the end of the workshop, which will last 30 to 40 minutes.
Free with suggested donations
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Wednesday, January 27 at 5pm, Washington Square (under the arch)
Bearing the urgency for peace and to call for pacifism, The Living Theatre will perform a ritualistic tribute to the past, the present, and the future on the International Holocaust Day as the major event of I AM YOUR PROTECTOR world campaign.
Ceremony will be led by Madeline Dolgia and Essma Bengabsia.
The Living Theatre at Tribeca Art + Culture Night
Wednesday, September 26, 7:30pm - 8:00pm
The Living Theatre will present an excerpt, "Awakening," from the latest production, "Electric Awakening,"premiered in São Paulo, Brazil, in 2017.
About Awakening, and Electric Awakening:
“Electric Awakening” is a treatise of the body’s revolt. Our memories and identities are written across our flesh so we return to the body to wipe the slate clean and start over; forge new systems and new relationships with one another. The excerpt piece “Awakening” is a choreographed piece which depicts how human beings shift the shape of community yet never challenging the formation of community which results in an inevitable power structure that oppress everyone of us.