written and directed by Judith Malina
At a time when surveillance is a household topic, The Living Theatre's new production could not be more current. No Place to Hide asks about the how, why, and what of hiding, and takes the audience on a journey through the untold history of New York. Challenging political, philosophical, and moral spheres of concealment, the play questions the boundaries between the private and the public while blurring our sense of intimacy.
No Place to Hide looks at the reasons and consequences of hiding and invites the audience to explore alternatives together with the ensemble. The play about the human condition is presented in workshop format as a work-in-progress. This is the first production of the company after leaving their home of seven years on 21 Clinton St. No Place to Hide had an initial workshop run in March 2014. A full production was premiered in Fall 2014.
The Living Theatre ensemble: Leah Bachar, Mariana Barcellos, Molly Bicks, Brad Burgess, Adam Buxbaum, Jessica Daugherty, Jay Dobkin, Adriana Figueiredo, Brandon Fisette, Camille Gaume, Brad Hamers, Dennis Yueh-Yeh Li, Rose Loveall, Hilda Mateiro, Odelia Tov, Aaron McAuliffe, Lois Kagan Mingus, Mary Round, Philip Santos Schaffer, Danielle Uni Simms, João Telmo, & Thomas S. Walker
Tour Schedule
May 22, 2015
Lower East Side Festival
Theater for the New City
May 30, 2015
Ideas City Festival
New Museum
August 21, 2015
Bread and Puppet Theater
January, 2016